Our mission is to study and protect old trees and ancient forests.
Climate change is rapidly altering the conditions which sustain ancient trees and forests, creating unprecedented threats to their survival. Our goal is to provide scientific insights that can help land managers address these threats.
Ancient Forest Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2020. We conduct research to understand how ancient trees and forests function and how environmental change is impacting these ecosystems. We use rope-based climbing techniques to directly access and study tree and forest canopy structure, function, and biological diversity. Our research combines methods from forest ecology, plant physiology, and dendrochronology.
Drawing on the results we gather through our canopy-based research, we use visual media to educate people about the value and importance of ancient trees and forests as well as threats to their survival. We document our research projects through photography, film and illustration, and partner with diverse media organizations to share our work and educate the public. Our aim is to inspire people and build support for the conservation of ancient trees and forests.
We are a proud affiliate member of the Giant Sequoia Lands Coalition.
Our History
The Ancient Forest Society (formerly called The Marmot Society) was born in the giant sequoia groves of Sequoia National Park in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Historic drought in 2012-2016 had severely impacted forests throughout California and provided a preview of the future under a rapidly changing climate. While working in these majestic forests, Anthony, Wendy and Steen were inspired to form an organization dedicated to studying and protecting giant sequoias and other ancient trees and forests.